The bioethical aspects of sports are often overlooked or not given the attention they deserve. However, the pursuit of glory in sport can push athletes and interested parties to break codes of ethical behavior. The will to win could lead to the use of prohibited methods or substances, which undermines the spirit of fair competition and puts athletes’ health at risk. More info สำรวจเว็บยูฟ่าที่
Those that argue for doping in sport do so for a variety of reasons. They may place a greater weight on some arguments than others, but the fact remains that they believe that current banned drugs and practices increase health risks and harms. The level playing field ideal is a myth, they contend, because legal performance enhancing strategies are unequally available across sport and countries (e.g. expensive training facilities and programs, technologically superior equipment, nutritional, medicinal and other aids etc).
Sports Ethics – The Debate Over Performance Enhancing Drugs
Others claim that the testing system has largely failed to deter or catch cheaters. They also claim that real sporting greatness results from mastering natural strengths through consistent, disciplined effort. If someone uses performance enhancing drugs, they say, they have claimed victory over a competitor who would have won if not for their doping and cheated that athlete of a genuine achievement.
Finally, those that argue for harm reduction approaches believe that punitive measures will be ineffective in reducing or eliminating doping. This is because doping behaviours are driven by a wide range of factors, and punishment alone will not address them. They point out that death penalties for murder have not stopped murder rates, and that harsh criminal penalties for illicit drug possession, supply or use have not eliminated those proscribed behaviours either.