If you’re facing a criminal defense lawyer melbourne charge, it can be frightening and confusing. Having competent legal representation can significantly increase your chances of getting charges dropped or at least lessened. Criminal charges can have devastating consequences on your finances, relationships and freedoms. That’s why it is important to find a solicitor who can provide you with high quality and effective legal services.
If the police have charged you with a crime, it is crucial that you seek out the right criminal defence lawyer melbourne as soon as possible. The sooner you contact a solicitor, the better your chances are of having the charges dismissed or reduced. It is also vital that you choose a criminal defence lawyer who can be trusted, and has experience dealing with cases similar to yours.
Criminal Defense Lawyer in Melbourne: Protecting Your Rights and Preserving Your Future
The team at Papa Hughes Lawyers have been in practice for over 20 years and their principal lawyers are Accredited Criminal Law Specialists. They have been involved in numerous high profile trials and have the expertise needed to defend you against any type of criminal charge.
Michael Kuzilny, the director of MK LAW, has been in the criminal law industry for over 30 years. He is a highly experienced criminal defence lawyer and has a long list of satisfied clients. His firm has a strong focus on court representation and offers affordable rates for their services. They can assist you with any matter involving the Victorian criminal justice system, including all courts from Children’s Court to the High Court of Australia.